23 Jan 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

23 Jan 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Tue, 23 Jan 1945

Apologetics class in morning. No raids. Rumour that parcels are in town and will come in with next consignment of rice.

Spoke to Wright-Nooth who was in Clifton's room when I went there; he suddenly became serious when I gave my pessimistic view of the relief of here; he said he agreed, but one didn't talk about it unless someone mentioned it first.  ((I was anticipating bloody mayhem if the Allies attacked Stanley Fort just above the camp. Can't now think why my old shoes have been in Clifton's room.. maybe he had mended them?))

Walk with Annie, (Van Der Lely); we looked at Bungalow C which isn't nearly as wrecked as I had imagined.

I saw Concannon about the plays.

To History lecture in evening.