16 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

16 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 16 Sep 1945

(Sunday) To Mass at St. Joseph's, then bought a dress-length ((enough material to make a dress)), then went to work.

Was released about 3pm but couldn't get out (of Supreme Court) because the road between Queen's Pier and Government House lined with sailors and soldiers because it was Signing of Surrender ceremony. Went up on verandahs and watched it all from there with Mr. Castilho, the clerk.

The sailors looked very clean in white shorts and bibs;  an Air Force Pipe Band and a Military Band.  The ships in harbour fired noisy salutes, 3 planes roared across the tram wires.

When I eventually came out, passed the Jap delegates, uniformed, coming away in their car; they looked stony-faced.

I was whisked to Stanley (and back) by Clifton (in car) and George Saunders after 5pm.  Had some food with the Larges (Clifton's parents were still in camp.)

Olive, Peg (Barton) and her sister Marie went on HMS Swiftsure yesterday, and Indomitable at tiffin time.  Fireworks, rockets, lights etc. in whites and reds and greens from Dockyard and ships at night.  We were all up on roof (of French Mission) watching.

September 16,1945
September 16,1945, fireworks in harbour, by doug