Photos of Terraced building on east side of Nathan Road, south of Mody Road [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Terraced building on east side of Nathan Road, south of Mody Road [????-????]

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1925: 1920s Nathan Road

1930: Peninsula Hotel 1930.JPG

1930: 1930s Nathan Road

1950: 1950s Nathan Road

1950: 1950s Mody Road

1953: 1953 Chung King Arcade

1953: 1953 Nathan Road

1953: Nathan Road - 1953

1954: 1954 Junction of Nathan and Mody Roads

1955: 1950s Chungking Arcade

1955: 1950s Nathan Road near Chung King Arcade

1957: Nathan Road outside Ming Sun

1960: 1960s Nathan Road

1961: 1960s Nathan Road

1963: 1963 HK 34 TST Nathan Road.jpg