4 Jan 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

4 Jan 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary

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Sun, 4 Jan 1942

Notice orders all enemy civilians assemble ((at)) Murray Parade Ground to be interned, must make own arrangements for protecting homes and take only personal belongings.

What to do? No-one we can leave in charge of our home. Debate exhaustively, and read notice over and over. "Enemy subjects in this order include British, American, Dutch, Panamanian and other nationals whose countries are at war with Japan, exempting Chinese and Indian." Japs could not possibly intern all British subjects. We decide do nothing. 

Smith family across the road of Irish ancestry. Father in Naval Dockyard, son a Volunteer and son-in-law a police officer - all now prisoners-of-war. Mother and daughter walk out bravely, abandon their flat, wave goodbye to us and step into rickshaws for two mile ride to assembly point. Back half hour later, advised call themselves Irish and thus neutral.