25 Jan 1943, Harry Ching's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Jan 1943, Harry Ching's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 25 Jan 1943

((Following text not dated:))

In first week of month met Scamp ((Selwyn Clarke)). Plausible as usual but no offer of help. Later in month to hospital to ask him about relief. Frank talk. Says he has no money. Handed over all relief to Red Cross. Many wrecks waiting to see him. Several bearded Europeans living there. Agrees Eurasians not well treated by British or Red Cross. That why tried help them from start. Suggests inquiry at Macao.

Faure and Omar ((both employed by Hong Kong News)) first reported sacked, later said to be confined to office. Apparently suspected of being spies. Friends warn me keep away from office. Met Omar. When sacked he insisted on going to gendarmes to demand trial on spy charge. Thereupon reinstated, but not Faure. Says trouble in office exaggerated. Leung to Fred ((nephew Fred Wong)) warning not to office. Apparently the same scare. Rumour Chinese to be eliminated from office and Lum may have to go. Greaves ((Alec)) seen in Kweilin.