1 Feb 1943, Harry Ching's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 Feb 1943, Harry Ching's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 1 Feb 1943

((Following text not dated:))

Foggy and dreary. Drizzling and cold.

Elsie Lo visits. Husband Albert Cunningham in Volunteers killed by going over hillside in car. Scamp refused help telling her she had plenty.

Mrs Smith health bad. Cancer, Dr Li says. Mrs May to try and get her into hospital.

No flour for Eurasians for a week. Checking list again. Maybe Sykes backwash. Rose Souza ((wife of Luigi Souza)) told at depot rice ration be halved next month because they get flour. All sorts devices to reduce the hand-out. Salt also refused to Eurasians. Some Eurasians being refused sugar. Received circular from District Bureau cutting rice ration by half because of flour. I not allowed to abandon flour for all rice. But depots must give salt to Third Nationals.

Letter from Bill Way ((worked for RKO)) at Chungking asks me if want to go there. Suggests go Kwang Chow Wan see agents at theatre who will help. No sign censorship but must have been and may get me into trouble.