Photos of Building on western corner of Duddell Street / Queen's Road Central junction [1878-1919] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Building on western corner of Duddell Street / Queen's Road Central junction [1878-1919]

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1880: Chartered Bank at Duddell Street & Queen's Road Central

1890: Queen's Road Central

1890: 1890s Junction of Queen's Road C and Ice House St

1890: Queen's Road Central

1895: 1890s Junction of Queen's Road C and Ice House Street

1900: Queen's Road Central, looking west c.1900

1900: Queens Road Central Looking West 1900s

1910: 1910 Queen's Road C1

1919: 1919 Peace Celebrations - Decorations of Queens Road C.

: Building on Queen's Road Central c. 1870's?