24 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 24 Aug 1944

Dreamt that Germany had capitulated.

Fine day, low clouds wind N.

Chopped wood for boiler.

Oil & sugar issued.

Anglo, US line from St. Germain, W of Versailles down to Fontainbleu 21st. Germans have withdrawn their 15th Army from Calais area to support other parts of their line.

Chinese paper has even better news. US forces advanced S around Bordeaux. Jassy evacuated 21st. Vichy Gov’t moved to Belfort. French Communists retire in all parts against Germans. V.Adm.Decoux given Dictatorial powers in F.I.C.

With Steve pm after he had been to Staff meeting re Stuart’s promotion. A deadlock seems to have been reached in this case. He was promoted contrary to Gov’t system, anyway nothing can happen until after the war.

Heavy storm 9 to 10pm forked lightning most vivid.

Commenced the 2  6oz rice meals, much dissatisfaction re quantity of cooked rice. Pheasant again.