25 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Fri, 25 Aug 1944

Fine day, cloudy & hazy.

Sharpened Steve’s saw & helped him to grind rice.

Made a key to fit our store lock.

Canteen held.

Chopped wood & gave Dutch their 53lbs.

Japs to take over private gardens.

Lorry arrived late, 7pm, veg & partridge.

With Steve pm.

Mary lent me another Y20.

Air raid alarm 10pm much shouting of “Kuchu” ended the day.

Japanese again warned re intensified A-raids & likely landings in Japan by their Premier. Paper news OK, Brit & Canadians advancing N behind German lines toward Calais. V. Adm. Decoux more or less warned re conduct by Japs.