26 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

26 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 26 Aug 1944

Plane around at 3pm [sic – am?] but nothing developed beyond a bit of searchlight work.

Good news around am. Parcels expected in Camp immediately. Much speculation re size, contents & number. 4 cigs & 2 matches issued. Foodstuffs ex “Teia Maru”. Cream 14 cases. Medicines 10 cases. Shoe repair material 4 cases. Children’s Special food 10 cases. Nurses uniforms 3 cases. Orange Juice 4 cases. Special Infants food 7 cases. parcel 4936.

King Michael of Rumania issued orders to cease opposition to Soviets 24th. A Nationalist Group issued an order to continue, result, riots. Advances made in France & Russia. Southern advance reach Grenoble 60mls from Lyons. All political parties in Hungary banned 24th. Some US factories reverted to peacetime production, cars, frigidaires etc.

½ partridge each pm meal. Lovely & succulent.