27 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

27 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Sun, 27 Aug 1944

Fine day, Alto com. Wind E.

Some Jap plane activity am practice mostly it seems.

Census taken in connection with new Communal gardening scheme re fitness to work. Camp Nos. given to all internees. Mine 985.

Cup of tea with Webber am while he was room cooking. Chatties make everything very dirty.

Churchill in speech says end of war in Europe imminent & that war in Pacific will end before expected. Russians to force a climax through their offensive just launched.  We all sincerely hope you are right Winston.

Sixty four bags of mail supposed to be in?

Japs expect Pacific to take on 1st importance and attach much importance to recent Hawaiian Conference & think that Phillipines & China Coast is next US objectives. US turning out cars & etc at a 20% higher cost than pre-war, radios will be as cheap but of better construction etc. The Pacific war situation allows production of torpedoes to decrease. Another small landing made on S coast of France near Pyrenees.

With Steve pm.