Green Island DEL 2, Green Island [1939- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Green Island DEL 2, Green Island [1939- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 
Year completed is: Accurate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Dec-1999
Ref: ROB-00260

Photos that show this place



Green Island Lighthouse and DEL 2
Green Island Lighthouse and DEL 2, by Freddie
Green Island DEL 2
Green Island DEL 2, by Freddie

Thanks for the close-up view. I've looked at it from Victoria Road, and wondered if the colour showed there were rusty iron shutters across the opening. But now it's clear the opening has been bricked up.

Hi David, You are welcome!  I can see the agave plants were being planted around the structure to deter the approach of potential intruders.