26 Aug 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary
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Overcast, rain, SW wind.
Some pigs killed 4am.
G trifle remorseful am congee?
US bomber over during the day. Letters “P.W.” cut into turf etc around the Camp.
Gimson & nucleus of Govt. to town am.
Few visitors arrived.
Swim with G & V afternoon.
2oz oil issued.
Lorry with onions & pumkins [sic] 5.20pm.
Japs seem to be obeying the order to increase our rations.
C nar heute abend etwas kalt, aber ich bin vielleicht fehlerhaft. [..?this evening was cold ? but perhaps I am ?] Seems like the evening is mucked up. H.K. around till 10pm ∴ aber nicht so gut [but not so good] ((Translation notes from Jill Fell: I think it should read: "C (or G) war heute Abend etwas kalt, aber ich bin vielleicht fehlerhaft." so "C (or G) was rather cold this evening, but perhaps I am mistaken." "Fehlerhaft" is invented but a good try!))