Japanese Tunnel, Lamma (to East of Youth Camp) [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Japanese Tunnel, Lamma (to East of Youth Camp) [????- ]

This one is near the YMCA. I'll get some photos off my friend who took loads when we went there a couple of weeks ago. In Pretty good condition but with a few hideously ugly centipedes inside.

Photos that show this place


Craig, looks like we're going to bump into you one of these days! Here's the video we took:

It'll be good to see some photos too, to show the colours of the rocks inside the tunnels.

We started walking along the family trail from Sok Kwu Wan towards Yung Shue Wan. After Lo So Shing the path climbs around the East side of a hill, overlooking the cement works. Shortly after the path passes through a saddle, and crosses to the West side of the next hill, a concrete path forks off to the right, sign posted to the youth hostel. Follow that.

When the path turns away from the coast, and drops down into a little valley, you'll see this dirt path lead off to the right.

Path to tunnel

Take the dirt path, and as you get near the top of the hill, you'll come to the clearing shown at the start of the video. You can also see it very clearly if you zoom in on the satellite image above. The satellite image shows a path leading off towards 4 o clock. It leads to the exit we came out of at the end of the video.

There's another short path at 10 o clock, that  leads to the entrance we went into at teh start of the video. Then at appx 2 o clock is the almost blocked up entrance we see in the middle of the video.

The paths are clear, so it looks like it is very well known to the people who live nearby. My guess is that the nearby youth camp use it for some of their 'adventure' activities.

My fellow tunnel explorer had noted the location of this tunnel a few months back, but found it had a lot of water in. So it's best visited in the dry season.

Hi there,

I remember my son once mentioned he and his Sea Cadet pals went to Lamma Island to one of these tunnels and he also said it was sort of flooded up to their torso.  If I had known the tunnel was flooded before they went there I would have  forbade him from going.

He ended up having a pair of hiking shoes in ruin.  He was ordered to have his clothes rinsed in the tub untill all the mud and sands are gone, and then wash them himself in a bucket.

I had been wondering why their PO did not ban the tunnel crawling when they found out the tunnel was flooded.   Anyway.........


Yes - between the rats, bats & bugs, I don't fancy going in them if they are flooded too. Best to wait for the dry season.

Yes, you are correct to assume that these tunnels are used for the adventure activities by the nearby YMCA camp. I was in one of these adventure activities myself a few years back. When I went there the tunnel was flooded up to my calves if I remember correctly. The instructor mentioned that he discovered the tunnel a few years back from when I was in there, and he also mentioned that there were other tunnels around the area. Judging from the map, he was right on the second count, but you guys seem to have gotten there before him.

Went through the Tunnel complex on a weekend outing. It is very easy to reach East of the Youth Camp on a well-trodden path. 

2 Entrances are easily accessable and a third one is silted up with just a glimmer of light coming through. On older Aerials 3 Entrances

can be made out. Lot's of sizeable shrimp like tunnel bugs, maybe somebody can identify the species from the photos.  

This is a good tunnel, has been partially flooded on all occassions I have gone. The bugs always look freaky but they are just a common basement/house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata, if I am correct. Unlikely to bite but apparently it hurts like a wasp sting if they do.




Thanks Aidan for shining some light on this. LIke with snakes, knowledge helps to reduce any wrong perceptions or fears. 

