Shanghai | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong


I apologise in advance if this is a misuse of this site but does anyone know of any similar forum or group for mainland China and specifically Shanghai? Failing that does anyone know any officals in the Overseas Office in Shangahi? I am trying to trace land transactions for 2 specific addresses from 1946 but for obvious reasons there does not appear to be an equivalent to the Hong Kong Land Registry. 

Many thanks,



I'm not sure of the answer, but one of these may be able to help:

Please let us know if you find any good resources.

Regards, David

Thank you so much David. I shall be in Hong Kong again in February so am preparing for another half day at the HKPR office. I'd like to come and see you if you are giving a talk then or even in London. 

Best wishes


This site could be worth trying if it is still active.

Tess Johnston was a long term resident of Shanghai with an interest in streets and architecture

Many books published with fine photographs

Hi Kim, I'm hoping to be in London next Feb / Mar, and if any talk is arranged I'll post a message here on Gwulo.

Regards, David