King George V Memorial Park (Kowloon) [1941- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

King George V Memorial Park (Kowloon) [1941- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

Photos that show this place


The park was opened on 11 June 1941. HK Daily Press 12 June 1941 refers.

This photo shows the site of King George V Memorial Park (Kowloon) in 1948. Shortly after opening Hong Kong was invaded and occupied by the Japanese. Wikipedia refers that the park was partly destroyed and used as a refuse dump. In 1948 it looks as if the site has been cleared already. Only a pavilion and a small building survived the war.

Site of King George V Memorial Park (Kowloon) 1948
Site of King George V Memorial Park (Kowloon) 1948, by Klaus

In 2011 I took a photo of a pavilion inside the park

Pavilion at King George V Memorial Park
Pavilion at King George V Memorial Park , by Klaus

I wonder if this is the one from the 1948 photo, but likely not.