Yau Ma Tei Theatre [1930- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Yau Ma Tei Theatre [1930- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

There's a good overview of this old cinema building at in this document: "HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT OF YAUMATEI THEATRE AND RED BRICK BUILDING"

In Raymond Lo's article (link below), he gives the opening date as 14th June, 1930.


Photos that show this place


Yau Ma Tei Theatre via Cinema Treasures written by Raymond Lo.


Yau Ma Tei Theatre = 油麻地戲院

In its declining years Yau Ma Tei theatre was reduced to screening mostly pornographic movies.

My sister in law told me that two enterprising gentlemen were reported in the press at the time as parking their van just outside the theatre. When the theatre patrons emerged they were approached by one of these gentlemen to be told that a young lady's services were available inside the van.

If the offer was accepted the client climbed aboard and the van was then driven around the block a few times until the, er,  'transaction' was completed.

As a business plan this succeeded because, of course, it avoided having to pay for expensive property rentals.

The charge for this service was very reasonable and, according to the newspaper report, for 'an extra $20, the driver wore white gloves'!

In some countries, this business/service is not illegal.  I don't know about Hong Kong so wonder if the next offer could be "free ride" from an unmarked police van.  Regards,  Peter