New on Gwulo: 2018, week 40 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

New on Gwulo: 2018, week 40

A summary of what's new and updated on Gwulo:



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Gwulo lunch on Thursday, 25th October - all welcome

Annelise has arranged a lunch get-together for Gwulo's readers and contributors.
Click for details.


Memories of:






Gwulo book news

​Volume 1 is now available to buy on I've limited it to customers in the US, as for other countries the shipping fee is too expensive. (Amazon currently uses fixed shipping costs for small suppliers like me: approximately USD4 per book for US orders, and USD17 for all other countries!)

That new Amazon page is looking rather empty, so if are an Amazon customer, and you've read Volume 1, please could you help me by leaving a short review there? (You don't need to have bought the book from Amazon, or live in the US, to add a review.)

Volume 2 is keeping me busy at the moment - it's always surprising how much work it takes to get from nearly there to just right. A line I heard when working on software projects sums it up: The first 90% of the work takes the first 90% of the time, and the last 10% of the work takes the other 90% of the time.

Still, we're making good progress. I'm working on the photos, and getting them to look their best. Ross is hammering my wayward grammar and punctuation into shape, and Lilly is turning my hand-crafted Word document into a professional book layout. I plan to post up drafts of the cover layout for the new volume in the next couple of weeks.




Three recent posts have a police theme:







1930s Cheung Chau House

1930s Cheung Chau House, by Moddsey


1930s Nagasaki Joe Restaurant Calling Card

1930s Nagasaki Joe Restaurant Calling Card, by Moddsey


1925 Flooding - Happy Valley

1925 Flooding - Happy Valley, by Eternal1966


Quarry Bay Gas Holder 1980's

Quarry Bay Gas Holder 1980's, by Klaus


1960 Shau Kei Wan Road

1960 Unknown streetscene, by Eternal1966


1960 RAF Little Sai Wan

1960 RAF Little Sai Wan, by Eternal1966


94 years old HIGH-Resolution areal picture of Cheung Chau from 25 November 1924

HIGH-Resolution aerial photo of Cheung Chau - 25 Nov 1924, by Hans Wergin


Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

Old Dairy Farm Cowshed in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise., by scottp


Senior Staff Quarters at the old Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam

Senior Staff Quarters at the old Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam, by scottp


1900s Queen's Building

1900s Queen's Building, by eternal1966e


Click to see all recently added photos.