GDL direction slab, Tates Ridge [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

GDL direction slab, Tates Ridge [????- ]

Current condition: 

Year completed is: Accurate
Condition at last visit: Top face complete, all directions visible
Date of last visit:
Ref: ROB-01004

Text on slab:

PB 203 L41 L 42
Bn HQ PB 202
Coy HQ PB 200 201 L31 to 36


There's a marker stone at the entrance of PB203, from there, it's about 1 minute's walk to the junction of Machlehose Trail, here's a photo taken on 27/3/20.

P_20200327_PB203_markerstone.jpg, by H.Lo

Here's the marker stone at the junction of Machlehose Trail and the path to PB203:

P_20200327_MarkerStone_Junction_near_PB203.jpg, by H.Lo