Photos of Butterfield & Swire's Offices [1897-c.1960] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Butterfield & Swire's Offices [1897-c.1960]

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1902: 1902: old & new

1902: Pg.87: Trappings of Authority

1906: waterfront wanchai till westpoint part 1

1906: Butterfield & Swire's building

1907: 1900s Royal Naval Dockyard

1910: 1910s Hong Kong Cricket Club Pitch and Hong Kong Club

1910: Central ca. 1910

1910: 1910s Praya Central Buildings

1927: 07 Hilly Hong Kong The Harbour

1930: 1930s Ship dock air view

1930: HK from the harbour

1935: 1935 Over Central Victoria Harbour

1940: Hong Kong, lawn with tennis court

1941: New Oriental Building

1945: Chung Wan

1947: WW II survivor.jpg

1949: 1940s Boats Alongside Praya Central

1950: Electra House, headquarters of Cable & Wireless

1953: Coronation Procession

1955: 1950s Central Panorama

1956: 1956 Star Ferry, Central

1956: 1956 Hong Kong Products Exhibition

1957: Butterfield & Swire Offices

1960: 1960 Mercury House

1966: 1966 Central-4.jpg

: VRC Eric Guest on the high diving boardIMG_20150112_0004.jpg