04 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

04 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 4 Aug 1943

Another bombing raid last Thursday afternoon with at least 12 bombers that I saw, others say there were 15 or more. The news is trickling in of the damage caused. None of our planes were brought down otherwise we would have heard of it through the paper. Bombs were dropped amongst other places on Taikoo Dock, Fort Street, Supreme Court, March Yard, Blake or Doyle’s Pier, Central Police Station, Belchers Street and places in Kowloon.

We are rather mystified by the European news as there is no indication of Italy being actually out of the war altho' there are indicators. Oh for a decent homeside paper to read with up to date news.

We had our first meatless day last Saturday and our kitchen experts made a complete hash of it even to the extent of calling out the morning congee. However on Tuesday I had a lot to say and spoke very firmly and plainly and tho' I had most of the committee against me I felt I had the support of the community with me in my protest.

Well tomorrow is another meatless day, but from what I hear as a committee man, the last effort is not to be repeated and we shall surely get something better. Nevertheless the rations are so poor that it is all very difficult to do much. A common days ration is fish, water spinach (grass) and pumpkin and small quantities at that, its hopeless, but fortunately we have received a supply of soya beans from welfare which help greatly.

My lowest weight since coming into the camp was last Friday when I weighed 157 1/4lbs. Just imagine me being slightly more than 11stone. A food ship at this juncture would be welcome.

J.F. and I went to the show in St Stephens last Thursday evening. It was a full play called 'Full House' but as the actors were in winter clothing and the temperature nearly 90o it couldn't have been very comfortable for them.

My thoughts are always for you dear and I hope you keep fit and well. The Trojans played against the Equine Sports Club and had them on all rinks. I won 18-12.