11 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

11 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 11 Aug 1943

Today we received an issue from the canteen of 1/4lb of brown sugar free gratis and for nothing, it was to cost 85sen, but very few people have money and so the profits from the canteen fund the cost. The sugar was jolly well received and welcome too.

The weather has been awful, it having rained practically continuous from last Wednesday and indirectly too the air has been much cooler which of course whets the appetite and makes us hungrier still as if that isn't enough as it is. George I couldn't sleep last night I was so hungry and would have loved to be able to the meat safe for a biscuit and something. However we are still hoping for better days.

J.F. gave a lecture in our hall on the Worker and his leisure and tho' I've listened to his reading of it whilst composing it, nevertheless I thoroughly enjoyed. This afternoon I was at McNamara’s lecture on Commercial Law.

Repatriation talk is still going on, the Dutch and Belgians have received telegrams from the Swedish Minister in Tokyo on the subject and tonight it transpired that several of the C.P.R. people, Drummonds etc. have been turned down from the Canadian list. Repatriation or evacuation call it what you like is very necessary from this camp as conditions are deteriorating. I now weigh 154lbs (11stone). I ask you. Sylph like not 'arf.

The block committee go out of office next week and I'm in a quandary whether to allow my name to go forward again. We'll see.