02 May 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

02 May 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 2 May 1943

Another month - I've had 15 months of it now in this tiny room.  Luckily we are still just 2 of us - I'd hate it if a new third man was put in but I couldn't complain.

Food has improved - our flour ration has been put up to 4.22oz per day so we'll get decent bread again.

Bathing starts today, and Hattori is in camp making an official opening of the beach but I haven't gone and I don't expect I'll ever bathe.  I've no costume for one thing.  Going back to food - there are no more Red Cross tins so Fisher and I have started on our reserve - only 6 tins - so we can only have one a week.  I have 4 more of my own.  Our money allowance has been stopped however and D.O.K. if we will get any more, so we can't buy things now. Dora has lent me 10 Yen and says I can have 10 more - Bertie can send money into her.  The Japs agree that soldiers must be paid but not civilians.

The weather has got really warm now but it's very pleasant in Stanley, and we only wear shorts and a shirt.  We had a blackout for several nights last week and that was rather unpleasant,  For they interpreted it so strictly that you could have SOME light and suffocate - or no light and then have air.  We went to bed very early.

I have had the Auditor (Bremner of Lowe Binghams) in this morning checking  my accounts - it's the end of another quarter.  I've done Treasurer for 9 months now.  I've no more news Honey so I'll shut up  I've just had my 200 word letter to you typed - we even mustn't write our signature!  Love.

I forgot blood count is better - 3,980,000 but Haemoglobin still only 67%.  The count is the number of red cells and the percentage is their redness!   I need more iron so I'm having a tonic.