15 May 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

15 May 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Sat, 15 May 1943

I missed last Sunday - we had a P.S.A. meeting in the afternoon and then a sudden renewal of the blackout so I slipped up.  I've no news however.  I had a frightful fit of the blues for two days but I'm getting over it.  But what can one do? - poor chow and no money to supplement  it with.  I've borrowed HK$100 from Fisher - a HK$100 note he had.  He's not prepared to cash it when you only get 25 Yen for it.  I had another one last year in June - I've given him my cheque for £12.10/- for the two.  He does well out of it - gets the full prewar value of his dollars and I get a quarter only back!

Blood count again today - O.K.  H.G. 77% good but count is only 3,800,000 - but that's all right.

It has hotted up now and we have blazing days but the nights are still fairly cool.  

Cheero Darling      B.