06 Sep 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

06 Sep 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Mon, 6 Sep 1943

I didn't write yesterday (Sunday) - I was in a real Slough of Despond.  A typhoon was blowing hard, we had exceeded our current quota so the electricity was off and it was dull and dismal indoors all day.  The food situation is grim in the extreme.  They sent in rations yesterday - some fish and veg. But we're all losing weight and will be in a sorry plight soon if extra food doesn't come.  And even if we are exchanged or repatriated that will not affect the military prisoners - a good many have gone to Formosa or Japan - but those that are left will soon have nothing unless regular supplies are sent in.  Bertie is in the huts at Argyle Street - all officers there - and there are still men at Shamshuipo and it is not a nice prospect for them.  The Canadians are lucky - they are to be off on the 23rd. 
No more tonight.     CheerO Darling.    B.