12 Sep 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

12 Sep 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Sun, 12 Sep 1943

Much cheerier today - we have just had a great raid - the planes flew quite low and machine gunned the H.Q. of the Gendarmerie who guard us.  I hope they killed a few.  I don't think they dropped many bombs - they were escort fighters and I think staged a little celebration for Italy's capitulation.  That is one real milestone passed and I think we are well on the way now - we'll get strong naval reinforcements out here I expect and soon the Japs will feel the pinch.  It might be over by the Spring of next year.

I was awake very early this morning - Fisher is really very quiet but he clumps on his heels when he walks and wakes me up.  I thought of you - Saturday night at home.  Soon I think I'll be with you.

On that happy thought I'll shut up              AMLAML.     B.