27 Nov 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

27 Nov 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 27 Nov 1943


I stopped my letter on the 12th when I heard my name was on the list for repatriation as I thought I'd be busy preparing. Now it is the 27th and we are no further on. A Jap doctor, civilian, came in the other day and checked up the sick men - he seemed quite interested in my case as I had a record of all my blood counts and injections to show him. But the lists have to go to Tokyo and it is said to London also for approval so D.O.K. when we'll get away. I had so hoped to be a free man by Christmas. However it is something to be on the list. I am thankful. I feel all right in many ways - I've had a little cold recently but nothing but it is the ghastly weakness that gets you down and the knowledge that that if these injections stop (the supply is nearly exhausted) then I'm for the high jump!

Poor Harmon died the other day - he has had anaemia for years of course; he went into hospital with dysentery (quite mild I believe) but he was allergic to Dagenin, - it attacked his kidneys and he couldn't pass water. We've had a few other deaths, some solely from anaemia and malnutrition generally so naturally I am thankful that I am going to get away. Dora took it rather badly at first - and said it was the biggest disappointment she's ever had in her life and I'm sorry for her but-------- . I only heard the other day too that Bertie's burns mightn't have gone septic if he had stayed on in Bowen Road and not wangled a move back to the Univ. Relief Hospital. So she didn't really help him there.

I have been busy since I last wrote. I got rid of the Auction business on Tuesday so now I can give all my thoughts to repatriation. I am to be O.C. Party and so I'll have plenty to do. I've already had a lot of people asking me to take messages but it will be the official messages I shall have to concentrate on. I don't suppose we'll be allowed to take out any written matter - not even a list of addresses but I shall have to get my official documents passed.

I wonder when you'll hear first that some people are getting away, next that I'm on the list, next that it is because I'm "sick". I hope you won't worry too much - of course I'll cable to you at the very first opportunity and tell you how I am. I get quite excited at times thinking of it and yet one feels one should not bank on anything until it is absolutely fixed up. If we have to have all the injections the Canadians had we won't be away for a month yet - I hope it's not as long as that.

Food I very poor and the little supplements - beans and - we were able to get from the local I.R.C. man are exhausted and he reports he has no money to buy more - and no money for our allowances. Dora lent me another 5 Yen the other day or I wouldn't have been able to get my cigarettes today. What a life. I hope to get away soon and begin to live again.

All my love always. Billie.