28 Nov 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

28 Nov 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Sun, 28 Nov 1943

I really should feel thankful and happy - I have been passed by the Japanese - some 34 of the men have to go up for another medical exam tomorrow so things were not so certain after all.  Funnily enough I never had any doubts that I'd get away with the first party, since a doctor said in my presence, forgetting that I had it, that the anaemic cases were the most urgent to get away, even more urgent than T.B. cases.  I wish, however, we could get a date fixed and get on with it. I was busy last night going over the list noting up particulars etc. I'll have a lot to do before I go and on the ship to Goa. CheerO Darling. B.

Lin and Frank are of course not going either - Lin is a bit sore.