Photos of Johnston Road [1851- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Johnston Road [1851- ]

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1905: 1905 No. 2 (Wanchai) Police Station

1905: Praya East (Sternberg PC)

1922: 1925 Praya East

1928: 1928 Praya East tram line

1931: 1931 Johnston Road

1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1941: Eastern Junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads

1950: 1950s Johnston Rd & Southorn Playground

1950: 1950s Johnston Rd

1950: 1950s Wanchai Road

1953: Rialto Theatre

1955: 1950s Johnston Road Tram Stop

1955: 1955 Johnston Road

1955: 1950s Johnston Road

1958: 1950s Johnston Road

1959: 1959 Johnston Road

1960: Suzie Wong - Johnston Road

1960: 1960s Wanchai tram

1960: Suzie Wong - Johnston Road

1969: 16-hong-kong-1970-katymcc.jpg

1975: Johnston Road.jpg

1975: Johnston Road (2).jpg

2009: 2009 Lung Moon Restaurant

2012: Flat-iron building-Wanchai-2012

: China~Rialto 中華~麗都 on right edge.jpg

: Johnston Road 1955 Junction with Henessy Road