New on Gwulo: 2020, week 44 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

New on Gwulo: 2020, week 44

I've listed some of the recent highlights below, but you can visit the What's New page at any time to see all the latest additions to the site.



  • Andrew recalls a visit to Hong Kong in 1987 where after his booked hotel was cancelled, he narrowly avoided staying at one of the Kowloon Tong hourly-rate motels - then ended up with a free five-night stay at The Mandarin!
  • Can you add any information about the Moslem Recreation Club, which was active in the early 20th century?
  • In last week's post about the Pottinger Street photo, I asked what was being advertised here:

    I thought it was an advert for some type of canned food but it actually shows a powder puff, with a tin of the Two Girls brand of talcum powder made by Kwong Sang Hong.
  • Thanks to Allison and da70 for joining in to help type up the 1935 Jurors List. We're only about one third of the way through, so if you're able to type up a page it will be a big help.
  • Also, thanks to Patricia for typing up all of the 1860 Jurors List.



Book news

Yesterday I signed off the digital proofs for the new Volume 4, taking it another step closer to publication.

Signing off the proofs for the new Gwulo book


Seeing the proofs is always an exciting moment. Until now all the work has been done on the computer screen, first in MS Word as I write the text and make a draft layout, then in Adobe Acrobat as I review the PDFs that the designer, Lilly, creates. That works well for getting the layout right, but printed photos always look different from their onscreen versions, so we need to see the printed proofs to get a better idea of how the finished book will look. There were a few adjustments needed to make the printed photos look their best, but only five pages were affected so they were soon fixed and the new proofs printed and signed.

Signing the proofs is the signal for the printer to begin work, preparing the printing plates and cutting the paper to size. There's one last check when I see the blueprint on Monday, then after signing off on that the project is out of my hands until the boxes of books are delivered in a few weeks time.

I'll promote the pre-order offers in a week or two, but if you'd like to get in at the head of the queue, the page to pre-order Volume 4 is now online.

Here are a few details, cropped from the new book's images:

Refreshments at Happy Valley
Refreshments at Happy Valley (p.55)


Racing at Happy Valley
Racing at Happy Valley (p.58)


1902 Watering Queen's Road
1902 Watering Queen's Road (p.60)


1902: old & new
1902: old & new (p.64)


Meanwhile in other news, researchers confirm that 8 out of 10 cats prefer Gwulo:

Volume 1 review on Instagram










1868 TST Police Station
1868 TST Police Station, by Moddsey


On Lan Street (was "Mystery Photo 2b")
On Lan Street (was "Mystery Photo 2b"), by Admin


1935 Wanchai Road Procession
1935 Wanchai Road Procession, by Moddsey


Comet Tank driving through unknown village ?
Comet Tank driving through unknown village ?, by Bryan Panter


CE Warren Cover.jpeg
CE Warren Cover.jpeg, by Mark Huang


1967 Ka Ching School at Tai Hang Tung
1967 Ka Ching School at Tai Hang Tung, by Eternal1966


1907 Whitfield Barracks - Tug of War
1907 Whitfield Barracks - Tug of War, by Eternal1966


Street scene; shop of "Pun Lun, Photographer" in foreground
Street scene; shop of "Pun Lun, Photographer" in foreground, by William Henry Jackson


ID cards for all to be introduced-China Mail
ID cards for all to be introduced-China Mail, by IDJ


上海街600-626號 1997, 600-626 Shanghai Street, Hong Kong
上海街600-626號 1997, 600-626 Shanghai Street, Hong Kong, by richardwonghk


1963 於空中向東看柴灣新區一景
1963 於空中向東看柴灣新區一景, by eatsee15


Click to see all recently added photos.