Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill [????- ]

Current condition: 

There's a large entrance:

Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill - large entrance
Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill - large entrance, by Admin


I didn't go inside. The tunnel looked as though it didn't go far, but there's another, smaller blocked-up entrance further along the trail, so it may be longer than it looked:

Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill - small, blocked-up entrance
Japanese tunnel on north slope of Beacon Hill - small, blocked-up entrance, by Admin

Photos that show this place



Hi David, do we have coordinates on this one or could you describe how to get there?

From the marker it appears to be near a contour hiking trail. 

It is on the trail shown on the Thunderforest map layer, near where the path turns around a ridge:


It was clearly visible from the trail, so no need to go into the bushes.

Happy exploring, and please let us know what you discover.

I will explore soon, hiking season is just aroundt he corner! Very much appreciate the clear location description as I couldn't see anything on the old Aerials. 

Both tunnel entrances are right on the hiking trail about 25m apart. One is completely collapsed and the other one easily accessible. It's a very short tunnel though, curving slightly to the left and stopping rather abruptly after 4 to 5m only. They were also not connected, rather unusual.  

Thanks for letting us know what you found.

It is odd they aren't connected. I wonder if that was the plan, or if they were still being dug when the war ended?