24 Dec 1941, Lt. L D KILBEE HKRNVR WAR DIARY Dec 1941 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Dec 1941, Lt. L D KILBEE HKRNVR WAR DIARY Dec 1941

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 24 Dec 1941

Don't know what is going on - we are completely cut off from the land fighting - and our only means of communication is by W/T. Enemy aircraft active - particularly over Mt. Davis and Pokfulum.

We can only conjecture, the general feeling is that the situation looks ominous - we are busy preparing for a flip when the time comes.  I hope my crew are keeping in touch. It's very difficult to get into communication with them.

Might be able to do something tonight. All codes, C.B.'s etc. destroyed (just using simple one now). M.T.B.'s and "Robin" appear to be the only craft afloat now - the rest, "Tern", A.P.V.'s have all been scuttled. A pity. Have yet to make up my mind (re going). The temptation to go is very strong and I know one's duty - but in this case there are several reasons which counter that.

It will be very hard to have to leave my dear wife and child behind virtually in the hands of the enemy, while I am away and unable  to know what has happened - it will be a terrible weight on my mind.

There is my crew also - if they are left I think I shall remain, anyway I am still hanging on - and will reserve my final decision until the final order comes through. Must have a word with my C.O. and see what he thinks.

No luck tonight, unable to get to Aberdeen - remained in Waterfall  Bay as Striking Force.

Night passed without mishap and returned to South Applichau at dawn. Dispositions 10, 11, 27 South Applichau. 09, 07 at Waterfall Bay.

Just remembered it is Christmas Eve.