25 Dec 1941, Lt. L D KILBEE HKRNVR WAR DIARY Dec 1941 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Dec 1941, Lt. L D KILBEE HKRNVR WAR DIARY Dec 1941

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 25 Dec 1941

Christmas Day - and what a day - no rejoicing for us.

Received a nice present from Santa Claus in the form of a stick  of bombs. 3 boats, 11, 27 and 10 - we were lying close in shore off the South side of Applichau eating a good breakfast, when suddenly, without warning, we heard the familiar swish of falling bombs - followed by heavy crumps as they struck the hill side and beach.     

No damage to the boats but considerable debris fell onboard.  A very grim morning. We dare not move - from our anchorage, nothing coming over the air - it's just a case of wait and see.

Had a talk with the C.O. after tiffin and decided to stay. He agreed with my decision and told me afterwards that he considered I did the right thing in choosing to remain.

A very worrying day for me - thinking about the outcome of this  show - and about my crew, Evelyn and Dorothy. There is no way to get in touch with them.

It is 1530 hours and an ominous quiet prevails.  Signal came through — to go.