Photos of Empress Lodge / Melbourne Hotel [????-1961] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Empress Lodge / Melbourne Hotel [????-1961]

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1930: Peninsula Hotel 1930.JPG

1950: Melbourne Hotel Kowloon

1951: 1951 Melbourne Hotel - Mody Road

1953: 1953 Nathan Road

1956: 1956 Nathan Road

1956: 1956 Mody Road

1958: Kowloon 1958 Bars, Restaurants and Night Clubs

1958: Kowloon Bars, Restaurants and Night Clubs

1959: 1959 TST 碧仙桃路 Bristol Ave

1960: Map showing Chungking Arcade

1961: 1961 Mody Road

1961: 1960s Nathan Road

1961: 1961 Bristol Avenue

1963: 1963 HK 34 TST Nathan Road.jpg