Ruttonjee Sanatorium [1949-1991] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ruttonjee Sanatorium [1949-1991]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

Thanks to Annelise for pointing this out.

Notes on the Health Authority's website:

It was a naval and military hospital until 1949, when it had been converted into the Ruttonjee Sanatorium, with the support of Mr Ruttonjee and the Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association. Following a gradual decrease in the number of patients suffering from tuberculosis, the Government decided to strategically change it into a general hospital.

Ruttonjee Sanatorium was renamed Ruttonjee Hospital in 1991 with a doubling of its former floor space area after completion of redevelopment.

Interesting to note that after WW2, the Royal Navy used the War Memorial Hospital. I wrote there that it was because the RN Hospital in Wanchai was in too poor condition to be re-used. But later it was successfully re-habilitated and became this Ruttonjee Sanatorium. Maybe when the Navy were looking for a hospital, time and resources were too limited to consider renovating this building.

The Helath Authority site says that the Sanatorium was renamed after the completeion of the re-development. I've used that as a guess for when the old building disappeared - 1991 - but in fact the old hospital building was some way south from the new building, so they may have co-existed for longer.

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