Text on Flickr:
Yellow line - Wanchai Road
Orange line A - Heard Street
Orange line B - Cross Lane
It can be seen that the then Government Trade School / HK Technical College building (square roof) was built against the toe of Morrison Hill, which is already half gone.
Any photo about the round structure below 'B' ? It looks like a gasometer for supplying coal gas
Morrison Hill - Technical School
If my memory serves me right, the red brick school in Wan Chai was Victoria Technical School - a vocational technical secondary school on which became the present Vocational Training College, as opposed to Hong Kong Technical College in Hung Hom on which HK Polytech U was developed. Lawrence
School's name
I've just written up a brief timeline for the building (https://gwulo.com/comment/51313#comment-51313) which confirms that the red brick building housed the Hong Kong Technical College when this photo was taken. It would become the Victoria Technical School's building in 1957.