Central Star Ferry Pier (2nd Location, Connaught Rd off Ice House St) [1912-1958] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Central Star Ferry Pier (2nd Location, Connaught Rd off Ice House St) [1912-1958]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 
c.1958-01-31 (Month, Day are approximate)

In 1910, the government sold the existing pier at this site and the rights to build a new one (See S.190). It seems at least part of the reason for the change was an expectation of more traffic once the KCR was complete. Under "Special Covenants and Conditions" we see:

  • "1.iii The Lessee shall within six months after the receipt of him in writing in that behalf from the Government, subject to through railway traffic to Canton being established and the Railway Pier being completed, institute and maintain services of direct ferry steamers, and will run such ferry steamers in connection with the trains on the Kowloon-Canton Railway in accordance with schedules and time-tables to be drawn up by the Government from time to time, [...]"

After that, the annual reports of the Public Works department keep track of progress.


  • 20. Piers - [...] the pier rights and pier opposite Ice House Street, hitherto leased by the Star Ferry Co., Ltd., were sold by Public Auction and acquired by them subject to certain conditions as to undertaking and maintaining certain ferry services in connection with the Railway if required by Government to do so.


  • 40. Principal Works of a Private nature: [...] The construction of the Star Ferry Co.'s Wharf opposite the end of Ice House Street was commenced, practically the whole of the wharf being completed by the end of the year whilst a considerable portion of the superstructure was erected.


  • 45. Principal Works of a Private nature: [...] The Star Ferry Company's Wharf opposite the end of Ice House Street was completed.

Reclamation in the 1950s moved it out to the third location.


Photos that show this place


I've set the demolition date to end of 1957. It's a guess, based on the opening date of the replacement pier. Corrections welcome!

Regards, David

The demolition date seems close. Found this photo and caption hinting at the Star Ferry's iron-girder-wooden-plank wharf's impending demise...

Source: The China Mail, page 10, 6th January 1958

Thanks for the extra info - it made it into 1958 at least. I've nudged the estimated demolition date forward a month.