Photos of Leighton Hill Government Quarters (Blocks A & B) [1948-1999] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Leighton Hill Government Quarters (Blocks A & B) [1948-1999]

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1948: 35. Happy Valley Race Course.jpg

1950: 1950s Aerial view of Causeway Bay and Leighton Hill

1950: 1950's Racecourse and Causeway Bay

1950: Happy Valley

1950: 1950s Happy Valley Racecourse

1952: Lee Gardens/ East Point Hill Statue

1953: 1953 Causeway Bay Aerial View

1954: 1950s Happy Valley Racecourse

1955: 1950s South China Athletic Association Stadium

1956: c.1956 Leighton Hill Government Quarters

1958: Leighton Hill

1958: The Craigengower Cricket Club, Happy Valley a.

1958: The Race course b.

1958: Leighton Hill - old block

1958: The Caroline Hill Stadium, Happy Valley.

1958: The Race course c.

1960: Leighton Hill

1965: Leighton Hill in the 1960s

1971: Happy Valley 1971

1976: Happy Valley 1976

1981: Happy Valley racecourse.

: football_stadium_1953_happy_valley.jpg

: Leighton Hill Flats