Photos of Building on junction of Queen's Rd E & Hennessy Road [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Building on junction of Queen's Rd E & Hennessy Road [????-????]

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1940: Hong Kong, street scene

1945: 1945 Pillbox at the Junction of Queen's Road East and Hennessy Road

1948: Work on the tramlines

1950: c.1950 Arsenal Street

1953: 1953 Queen's Road East

1955: 1950s Junction of Hennessy Road and Arsenal Street

1955: Hennessy road, Wan Chai in 1955

1958: 1950s Hennessy Rd / Queens Road East Junction

: Photo631384342905_inner_5-367-720-367-5-843-720-843.JPG

: Photo631384361383_inner_5-320-723-308-5-808-720-796.JPG