Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital (2nd location) [1955- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital (2nd location) [1955- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

This gets a photo and a mention in the Hong Kong Annual report for 1955:

Situated in the densest part of the city it serves, Tsan Yuk Maternity Hospital was opened this year. Designed by Mr. Eric Cumine, it has 200 beds and cost $3,600,000 to build and equip.


Photos that show this place


Hi there,

This is actually the second hospital called Tsan Yuk.  The first one was on Western & Second/Third.  The building is still there.

Best Regards,


Thanks T, I've updated the title for this Place, and made a new one for the older hospital building.

regards, David