Blackhead's Hill/Signal Hill Lighthouse [1909- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Blackhead's Hill/Signal Hill Lighthouse [1909- ]

Date Place completed: 

Photos that show this place


In the Harbour department a special sum of $2,550 has been provided for a buoy for the Cust Rocks, and some small expense is incurred on account of the new light to be placed on Blackhead's Hill. These steps will, it is hoped, assist navigation in the harbour of which complaint was made when the cruiser "Flora" went aground. They are the result of correspondence with the Admiral and the report of a Special Committee. Legco minutes, 24TH SEPTEMBER, 1908

as an aside to that, here's an article on the AUgust 1907 grounding of HMS Flora  

For more photos of the lighthouse, also see the Place for Signal Hill.

No. 503. It is hereby notified that a Group Flashing Red Light with a White Sector showing between S. 81° W. and S. 89° W. on a red brick tower on the summit of Blackhead's Hill (Chinsultsui Point) has been exhibited since the 1st August.

It shows a Group of Three flashes of One Second duration, each flash with an interval of one second, followed by a period of Five Seconds darkness.

Since the same date a Fixed Red Automatic Light has been exhibited from the buoy marking the Cust Rock, situated 4¾ cables N. 75° F. from the above Light.

C. W. BECKWITH, Lieut., R.N., Harbour Master, &c.

12th August, 1909.

Source Hong Kong Government Gazette, August 13, 1909 

From: Lighthouses in Hong Kong pre-1941- revised

Blackhead Pt/Tsim Sha Tsui 1909  (extinguished 1933, relit 1948 destroyed 1971)