10 Aug 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

10 Aug 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 10 Aug 1942

Matron Dyson, Kay Christie, Anna May WatersDaphne Van Wart, Molly Gordon ((not sure if this is the same lady as Amelia Gordon)), Mary CurryKathleen Thompson and the other nurses who had been working at Bowen Road Military Hospital and St Teresa's in Kowloon arrive in Stanley.



D. C. Bowie, Captive Surgeon in Hong Kong, 1975, 169, 289 (incomplete staff list)


The Maryknoll Diary gives the figure of about 90 nurses coming into camp today, although other sources give about 60. Nicola Tyrer (Sisters in Arms, 2008, 64-66) states, citing archival evidence, that Van Wart, Thom(p)son and some other nurses came in from St Teresa's in Kowloon. Bowie's incompete staff list has Thompson (sic) and Van Wart working at Bowen Road. And according to Bowie, St. Teresa's will be closed tomorrow - see Chronology. The exact nature of these events is still unclear to me, but I'm confident that on August 10-11 all the female nurses of 'enemy' origin at Bowen Road and St Teresa's were sent into Stanley.


Nurse Mabel Redwood, had come into Stanley on June 17 because of illness:
