Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1972: Green Jade House

1925: Centrepiece

1925: Sticks

1925: Flagpole

1925: Sports Field

1925: Back of photo

1925: 1920s Brownies

: Sign detail

1950: British Army Camp at Sek Kong 1950

1950: The Band of The Kings Shropshire Light Infantry

2009: Tai Lam (2Km easterly away from Brother's Point)-part C

2009: Tai Lam (2Km easterly away from Brother's Point)-part B

2009: Tai Lam (2Km easterly away from Brother's Point)

: After the rain at Sek Kong in 1950

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 7

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 6

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 5

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 4

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 3

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 2

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 8

1945: Weekly China Mail, 1945-09-13, pg 1

: 1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos

: 1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos

: 1961 Doug Brentlinger's photos
