Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1935: Repulse Bay Lido - Opening Day

: Pg.126: The Great Visionary

2010: IL 712 - subdivided

1902: Pg.87: Trappings of Authority

: Detail from page 126

1955: Mohan's advert 1955

1950: 1950s Peking Road

1930: 1930s Looking south from Hospital Hill

1937: mount austin barracks 1937

1951: one the way to Korea

2010: proposed West Wing

: Pg.78: Constabulary Duties

1902: Detail from Page 87

1927: typhoon

1890: Kowloon Praya

2008: Entrance to PB3, Wong Nai Chung Gap

1952: Pg.42: An Extravaganza of Signage

: Detail from page 78

1905: Waterfall Gardens

1908: Club Germania

1897: Mount Austin Hotel

1939: Detail from page 42

1960: 1960s Sha Tin rail tracks

1988: standard charterd construction 1988

1957: Standard Chartered Construction 1957
