Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1937: 1930s Harbour View Hotel

1941: 1941 Peace Mission-part two

1941: 1941 Peace Mission-part one

1936: RAF Officer's Mess 1936

1935: RAF Officer's Mess 1935

2010: 2010 Government Hill

2010: 2010 Government House

2010: 2010 Central Government Offices

1951: 1950s RAF Kai Tak Officer's Mess

1941: Hong Kong December 1941

1864: Ad for house named Beauregard

1920: 1920s KCR Steam Train

1953: 1953 Rediffusion Building

1863: Ad for Boulder Lodge

1952: LIDO Repulse Bay tariff 1952

1907: Braeside Private Hotel

1900: Tramway Path - St. Joseph's Path

1971: RAF Kai Tak swimming pool 1971

1963: RAF Kai Tak new swimming pool 1963

: West Wing reality 3

: West Wing reality 2

: West Wing reality 1

2010: Edward Youde memorial Canterbury Cathedral

2010: Air Raid Shelter Still Existed In The RAF Officers' Mess

2010: Barrack Office of the Former RAF Officers' Mess
