Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1880: Hong Kong Fire Brigade

1906: 1906 Praya Central

1935: 1930s Aberdeen Harbour

1940: 1940s Bank of East Asia Building

1937: 1930s Des Voeux Road Central at junction with Pedder Street

1900: Kowloon Praya ?

1900: Queen's Road Central at Battery Path

1906: 1906 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1929: Old Pier buried in the City

1980: Western Market

1930: c.1930, 14 Conduit Road

1930: Rocklands, Benfica, 12 & 14 Conduit Road

1922: 1922 map - 14 Conduit Road

2010: Hydrant at Tai Tam

2010: Rails at Tai Tam

2010: Rails at Tai Tam

1980: BEA Demolition

1980: Central Banks 1980

1935: 1935 New BEA building completed

1940: is that the same place? new hau wong temple in 1938

1900: Peak Tram Lower Terminus 1900 ?

: building next to Blackhead Point

: Once Upon A Time

1972: Lena Lodge for sale

1940: 1940 Bank of Canton
