Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1959: Causeway Road, waiting for the gharry.

: Waiting for the transport

1961: Gibson Block, Little Sai Wan

: Unknown

1961: View towards SHQ and the main gate

1908: Murray Parade Ground

: Naval Yard

1897: Queen Victoria Statue and Reclamation

1960: HSBC Mosaic ceiling

1946: Homantin Street Kowloon 1946

1935: St Theresa's Church Kowloon 1935

1969: 1969 Happy Valley/Causeway Bay

1930: Aberdeen docks

: Entrance to RAF Little Sai Wan

1961: Waiting for the "garry"

: Hilltop overlooking Kai Tak

: Gate to military camp

1935: 1930s Queen's Road Central (eastern end)
1960: Shell House

1924: Shell House - 1924

1893: 1890s Hong Kong Hotel

1903: 1900s Queen's Building

2010: 2010 'Bird's Bridge'

2010: 2010 Magazine Gap Road

1937: 1930s HSBC
