Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1909: Hong Kong-Canton Line

1909: Hong Kong-Macao Line

2009: Church Guest House 2009

1959: Ferry to Hong Kong

1846: Map - lots for auction 1846

1950: 1950s 149 Waterloo Road

1930: 1930s Pottinger Street

1982: Lee Theatre 1980s

: Map - view from Glenealy

1980: 27 Magazine Gap Road

1980: 3 Barker Road

1875: Habour view in ca. 1875

: Painting by Constance Gordon Cummings

1879: Looking East From Glenealy

: Recent Posts

1908: Quiz of the week

1901: Gleanealy - 2 Caine Road - map

1950: Signal Hill

1947: Queen's Theatre

1929: Destruction of Morrison Hill

: Church Guest House - Upper Albert Road

1935: 1930s Luk Kwok Hotel

1981: Central Fire Station

1981: Central Fire Station

1982: YMCA 1980s
