Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1930: 1930s Nathan Road

1949: Luna Park ride

1949: Luna Park-Big Wheel

1949: Luna Park attractions

1949: Luna Park entrance-North Point

1955: Central District in 1955

1955: Tsuen Wan in 1955

1955: Kowloon peninsula from the air-1955

1975: Kowloon from the air

1975: Hung Hom from the air

2005: The Rednaxela

1970: Cashier with the pulley system

2010: Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club - 1st location - 3 of 3

2010: Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club - 1st location - 2 of 3

2010: Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club - 1st location - 1 of 3

1918: Happy Valley Graves

1962: 1960s Wyndham St

1959: Glenealy Junior School from Balmacara

1920: Nathan Road

1956: How Sang Linen building

1956: Wyndham Street

1956: Wyndham Street

2010: Old entrance - Ruttonjee Hospital
1927: Queen's Rd East, Central

1927: Shamshuipo Camp, Hong Kong 1927
