Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1936: 1930s Peak Hotel and Peak Mansions

2009: Military Building on Mt Cameron Rd.

1970: Aerial view of Tai Tam, circa 1970

1930: 1930s Upper Peak Tram Chair Shelter

2009: W & B Cowan Inspection Cover

2009: Grasshoppers

1937: 1937 Illuminated Tram

2009: Kenneth Inspection Cover (Simple)

2009: Rowinsons Inspection Cover

2009: Dudley Dowell Inspection Cover

2009: War Department Boundary Stone - Signal Hill

1950: Peak Mansions & Mount Kellett, c.1950

2009: Disused Tunnel - St Andrew's Church

2009: WDL #54, Signal Hill

2009: WDL #54

2009: George VI Postbox No. 487

2009: British Red Telephone Booths

2009: George VI Postbox Cipher

2009: Japanese tunnel, Hong Pak Trail near Kornhill

2009: Japanese tunnel, Hong Pak Trail near Kornhill

2009: Funny Rock

2009: Stanley Pillbox

2009: Stanley Pillbox

2009: Stanley Pillbox

2009: Stanley Pillbox
